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Bullying in the school, who is wrong?

By: Novita Devi Kristianti

Bullying is behavior such as threaten, oppress, and making other people feel uncomfortable. It is one of the phenomenon in education. According to Nadiem (minister of education and culture), bullying is one of the sins in education. There are radicalism, sexual violence, and bullying. We cannot give tolerate them. However, what does it make a lot of cases in Indonesia’s education? It is many factors from intrinsic and extrinsic.  We will discuss some of them. 

Many couples in Indonesia, are not ready mentally especially married couples at a young age. It gives an impact when they have children. Parent’s attitude that reflects unpreparedness such as lack of affection, attention, and how they educate. It recorded in the child's memory. So, we should more prepare when we decided to marry. 

Technology also gives an impact on them. In the era millennial, this era is very different from our era. We can see students in elementary school that know handphones, android, internet, games, social media, and so on. Moreover, their parents give handphone at a young age as a facility for their children. It is not wrong but we must control it. On the internet, a lot of information can negative or positive. Do not let them imitate the negative things from their internet.

It is not the role of parents but also a school, government, and society. Moreover, bullying cases usually occur in school. The school has an important aspect to avoid the cases. Initially this case from joke until violence between students. Some schools regard them as just conflicts or jokes. Neglecting makes the children free to bully. Needing coordination and effort to solve the cases in their school. This is the same as the government and society. Watching each other and enforcing norms is one of the ways to prevent bullying.

So, what we can do to avoid bullying. Many ways to do that. Giving affection for the child, as a teacher gives examples of empathy in teaching. Teaching them to learn martial sport and for school, they can make “programs stop bullying” such as:
1. Giving explanation that feeling safe is right for all people
2. Making the students more express (remember; the key to solving bullying problems is to express problems to people who are more mature, competent or trusted by our students)
3. Forming circles that they can trust. So, we have to coordinate with each other to solve and avoid it.

Annisa, R. (2020, march 2) ironi perundungan disekolah, siapa yang salah? Liputan6.
Harususilo, Y. E. (2020, February 29 ) bullying, Nadiem: Negara harus jujur dan melihat yang terjadi. Kompas.
Naggala, A. (2020, February 27) pendididkan bebas bullying.
Zacky, M. (2020, February 20) nadiem bicara tiga dosa di dunia pendididkan, bullying salah satunya. Detiknews.
Maliana, I. (2020, February 7) maraknya kasus bullying di sekolah, begini seharusnya mendidik anak supaya ‘tahan banting’.


  1. Yeah I agree with your writing. The #stopbullying campaign should always be socialized especially in schools because the victims of bullying not only will have long term traumatic but many of them even commited to suicide. Unfortunately, it still happens in many schools until now.

  2. Bully will always leave a mark on every victim. I feel sorry for everyone who has to go through hard times because of bullying. #stopbullying

  3. Great article, by knowing the article I hope people can understand that the act of bullying is very bad so they have to pay attention and give understanding to children if the bullying can disturb the mentally and psychologically someone who is bullied.

  4. I ever get a bullying in my Junior Highschool and at that time, I feel so bad. Hopefully this article can make a lot of people who doing bullying stop their bully, and start to accept that nothing perfect in this world so, please #stopbullying

  5. We know that bullying has potential to cause traumatic stress that affects the victim's mental health. I'm feeling blue when there are reported cases in which bullying incidents end in suicide. Please #stopbullying

  6. I hope, in the future there will be no bullying case happen in our country. #Stopbullying

  7. Most of the time, people who got bullied (including kids) are suffering in silence. they are most likely to develop physical and psychological scars that can last a lifetime.
    Bullying is completely unacceptable. #Stopbullying

  8. Bullying is one of those damaging things that should be vanished. There is no even single point to bully someone, it's completely unnecessary to do. #STOPBULLYING

  9. We must be able to eradicate bullying because the victims are not only physically injured but mentally also #StopBullying

  10. Bullying in school is such a criminal in education world. I agree with this article, we should #StopBullying

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. I agree with you. Bullying only gives bad impacts for students. It is killing the character of students themselves. #StopBullying

  13. Bullying shows bad attitude. Hopefully, in the future there is no bullying anymore.

  14. I used to get bullied when I was at Elementary school and it has bad impacts until now. By reading this article I hope there's no more bullying, especially in school. Nice article!

  15. Bullying has bad impact for the student. They can concentrate with the material in class. They will afraid to socialize with other. I hope our county can do the greatest thing to solve the bullying

  16. None of the children in this world want to be bullied. Let's stop this cruelty.

  17. It's really a shame thing that kids nowadays still bully their friend. Remember kiddo, bullying is not a cool thing to do! #StopBullying

  18. Yeah, parents' contribution also help in reducing the bullying in Indonesia and what we call "pendidikan karakter" is really important in our life.

  19. Bullying is very common case. It is our responsibility to teach kids to stand against it and help them cope up if they face it.

  20. This article is very interesting. We are all humans and deserve the same respect.

  21. I perceived that bullying itself is an old-fashion soft crime. We need to stop this by having character building lesson on schools. #Stopbullying

  22. To stop bullying, it needs cooperation from all parties.

  23. Okay, we must avoid the bullying. It's nice article.


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