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English Education: How important it is?

By Setia Ningsih

English is an international language and that’s a fact. Many countries include English education as one of their major subject, especially in Asia, where people do not speak English as their first language. However, are people really aware of the roles of English education itself especially in Asia?

Based on a research conducted by Chang (2011) There are some roles of English education in Asian context. They are

1. English as a way of speeding up national Development.

Chang (2011) stated the purpose of English language education in Asian countries is to emphasize the bi-directionality in communicating among Native Speakers and Non-Native Speakers in globalized world, including social, economy, education, and other aspects that can lead to National Development. English proficiency can be used as an investment in the process of building a nation. Asian people who study English may have bigger chance to achieve goals in the future since we know that English is used internationally as communication tools.

2. English as a way of understanding other cultures.

To understand the English used by people from different cultural backgrounds, we need exposure to speakers from different cultural backgrounds. Chang (2011) stated that the best solution is to initiate a program for global communication in English in which not only Non-Native Speaker English but also Native Speaker English gain necessary training for effective global communication. Asian people will also able to promote their own culture to other countries and to learn others culture by using English as the tool both to communicate.

 3. English as a tool of for International Communication.

Using English for communication helps Asian people to reduce self-consciousness so they will be able to actively participate and speak up themselves in many international events. Their idea will be spread to other people as well.
In conclusion, English plays a role as a window to the world. In this process to open the window to the world, Asian people can play the important roles like these: to teach English as a way of speeding up national development, to teach English as a way of understanding other cultures, and to teach English as a tool of international communication in the globalized world. 

Chang, B. M. (2011). The Roles of English Language Education in Asian Context. Journal of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, 15(1), 191-206.

Setia Ningsih
May 3rd 2020


  1. No doubt about it! There are many reasons why learning a new language is a good idea, especially learning English since English is the international language. Thanks for sharing.

  2. It's really important since it's our international language. It could help your order a food in the unknown country when you're hungry!

  3. Of course English is important! It's our international language. So, Starting to teach our children about English is a right choice I think.

  4. Good article. You only give 3 examples, but I think there are so many other important things why learning English is necessary.

  5. Nice article. Of course learning English is important, it helps us comunicate with people around the world

  6. Nice writing. I agree with you that English nowadays is very useful for us. Thank you

  7. Great article! Learning English is very important.

  8. It's been a common fact that English has broad contribution in many sectors. That is why learning English is important. Anyway, thanks for the article!

  9. I agree with you. English is an international language,so learning English is very important. Nice post.

  10. It's really good information. Thanks for sharing!

  11. Of course English is important, because it is international language that makes communication between all people around the world easily.

  12. Great article! thanks for sharing !

  13. Nice article. We know that language can help us to communicate with people around the world.

  14. Learning English is important especially to face the globalization.

  15. Learning English is another way of assurancing our future.

  16. Yes, learning English is important, especially at this globalization era

  17. You're right. English is very important.

  18. That's really good article. Thank's for sharing.

  19. I agree with you. English is very important


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