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The Effective Ways to Study

By: Siti Muyassaroh

Are you a student or a college student that has difficulties to study? If yes, you need to continue reading this article till end. Nowadays, there are many students or learners that do not really know how to study effectively. The result is, they become lazy to study because they feel like what they’ve done is wasting time. Looking at this case, I have gathered some effective ways to study from some sources. Hopefully they can help you to deal with your difficulties. Here they are:

Have the right intention
When you want to study, what you need to have firstly is an intention to study, of course. An intention to know and understand what you haven’t. A strong intention will make your study process be more successful. So, before you start to study, make sure that you have a right intention.

Try to focus
After you have a right intention, you need to focus. Keep something that probably distract you far away such as phone. However, some of you may need this tool to find more sources to study other than books. If it is the case, you can go to phone settings and set the notification of some applications off.
Beside the case above, it is possible that you may be distracted of some noise around. Therefore, you may need to keep away from the noise if it is impossible to keep it away. Find the comfortable place to study will also make you to focus more.

Find good time
This point is also important to help your study effective. Good time is your productive time when you are able to understand what you are studying. Everyone has different good time. Some people have productive time after pray subuh or around 5 – 7 am. Whereas, other people have productive time at 11 pm till 2 am. You need to find your own productive time.

Find an appropriate way to study
Everyone has his own way to understand what he is studying effectively and efficiently. You need to know your own way, whether you are in accord with visual, auditory, or kinaesthetic way. Visual way is where someone mostly absorb what he is reading. Auditory way is when someone is easier to absorb whatever information he is listening. While, kinaesthetic way is where someone understand some material or information by looking at the examples or doing practice directly. So, what is your appropriate way to study?

Do it regularly
If you have found and understood those ways above, you need to do them regularly. This is the most important. Do study every day even though it just 20 minutes a day. This way is more effective than you study for three hours straight but you do it weekly. Imagine that you are taking a bath. Taking a bath for ten minutes every day is better than for 2 hours every week. You feel that there is something missing when you don’t do it.

Those are some effective ways to study in general. However, some of you may need more complements or methods. You can adjust the method by yourself. For example, if you think that you need to listen music instrument to focus on your study, just do it. Some of you may need your friends or partners to discuss about what you learn. If so, you need to find a good environment to study. Find friends that have the same intention with you so that you can study together with them.
It is the end of the article. Hope you can learn anything provides in this article. Thank you for reading. See you next post.

HUTATA. (2017 October 31). Cara supaya konsisten belajar [Video file]. Retrieved from
Riana, M. (2019 September 20). 5 cara belajar yang benar bakal buat kamu kaget | motivasi Merry [Video file]. Retrieved from 


  1. Great post! Usually I listen to music to focus on my studies and it really works for me. Finding the best time to study is also the most important thing for me. even though I have spare time if I don't intend to study I don't do it :D

  2. Your article is interesting to be read, but I think this article will have so many pros and cons because not everyone agrees with the ways you are provided

  3. Thanks for sharing, but I think every people have their own ways to get their effectiveness in study. Meanwhile, it is useful knowledge to know.

  4. Nice information!There are different ways of different person to get their appropriate ways to study.

  5. It's nice information. I often have difficuly in focusing to the materials that I study to so I always study in the quiet place.

  6. Great post! Don't forget to pray before studying.

  7. Nice post, but I think everyone has different ways to study.

  8. It's really good information. Thanks for sharing!

  9. Wow. It is such a good information. But everyone has their own technique to study.

  10. Great information! I think I'll try to apply this technique.

  11. Thanks for sharing the information. When I study I find my way depends on my mood but the most important thing is reading basmalah before start and hamdalah after finish

  12. Thanks for sharing this cool article.

    Absolutely everyone has their own way to learn, regarding to the technique they suit into.
    For me, I always write the things that I learn.

  13. thank you I will try some of it.

  14. This article is really helpful. Thanks for sharing.


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