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Children and Literacy

By Dwi Nur Asiyah

Age 1-5 years is the golden age of children. When children are at this age, parents should maximize their child's development by giving positive inputs and applying learning methods that are right for them. This is very important, because when parents wrongly provide treatment when they are in the golden age, it will be difficult to change when the child is growing up.

One of the things that can be instilled in children during this golden age is the habit of reading. In this digital age, many children, even from a very early age, have become addicted to gadgets. Usually parents introduce gadgets to children on the grounds the child will be calm and not fussy when they play games / watch videos on the gadget. But unfortunately, this can have a negative impact on children both physically and mentally. It would be very unfortunate also when in the golden age but children spend too much time playing with gadgets. Therefore, it would be better if parents introduce to reading books to children than giving them a gadget.

Introducing reading culture in children does not have to go through complicated ways. You don't need to make a comfortable private library with expensive furniture. With simple activities such as reading a story before the child sleeps is a good step. Buy children educational toys that support the atmosphere of literacy in children can also be the right choice.

But the desire to foster literacy in children requires collaboration by all family members. If parents tell their children to read books, but they themselves continue to play mobile phones in front of their children, then the child will make their parents a role mode and imitate the activities they do. Therefore, parents also must first apply literacy habits to themselves and later children will be easier to imitate and make it a habit.

According to UNESCO data in 2016, interest in reading Indonesian people is very alarming, only 0.001%. It means that out of 1,000 Indonesians, only 1 person is avid reader. Reading interest in Indonesia is ranked 60, only one level above Botswana, one of the countries in Africa which is ranked 61. Change can be achieved with action from the smallest part of the society that is family. If many parents are aware of literacy, this will have an impact on the development of the Indonesian nation. Because the development of a nation is determined by the quality of its young generation.

Dwi Nur Asiyah
June 18th 2020

Ahmad, A. (2019, September 29). Warna-Warni. Retrieved from
Anggraeni, R. (2019, October 2). Retrieved from,-Rina%20Anggraeni&text=JAKARTA%20%2D%20Menurut%2
Cahya, D. K. (2018, April 24). Retrieved from


  1. Thank you. Your article gives me more knowledge about the correct treatment for our golden-age-children especially in reading habit.

  2. thank you, we don't give a gadget only for children but also a book so they can take the benefit from them.

  3. I agree with your opinion. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Thanks for sharing. This article is informative

  5. Thanks for your writing. I think literacy for children is important to build their knowledge outside of schools, and parents should support this one.

  6. Nice information! Thank you for sharing.

  7. Nice article! This is like a parenting knowledge that will be useful for me in the future.

  8. Good job. It is very helpful for parents to increase literacy their children and build a knowledge.

  9. Nice article. Thank you for sharing

  10. Thanks for sharing. This is such a good and informative article

  11. It's really good information. Thanks for sharing!

  12. Thanks for sharing. This article is informative

  13. Graet article! I think that age is a perfect time to learn our children about literacy.

  14. Thank you for sharing. Your article gives me new knowledge about children and literacy.

  15. Nice article. I like your suggestion to tell story to children before sleep. I would do that in future.

  16. Literacy should be given to children. It will promote a wider knowledge to them since kid.

  17. Literacy is old isue that still exist until now.

  18. Good. It's important to give knowledge about literacy to students.

  19. Yeah we should build literacy for someone since in the early age so that it can be a good habit/start for the next level.

  20. yeah, reading is important for everyone


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