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Online learning model (OLM), is it effective or not?

By: Novita Devi Kristianti

In this Covid-19 pandemic has big impacts for all sectors. 11 February 2020 WHO (world health organization) said Covid-19 is a new virus from Wuhan, China. It claims for all counties to pay attention to this virus. In Indonesia, the government decided to make a rule about social distancing. Schools, public places, and all of the activities have limited. Teaching and learning move in daring or online learning. It makes a solution for learning when this situation (corona pandemic). According to some teachers, this system is just effective to give homework or assignment for students. They think that learning is more effective in a conventional system. Some theories should teach face to face so they can more understand and the teacher knows what the students need and their weakness in the lesson.  Rosyida Qonita one of the teachers in MTs Ma'ahid Kudus explained that she assumes to teach the conventional system.

"In terms of effectiveness, it is very different from KBM directly, because the material is not understood by all students," Qanita said. 
However, we have been doing it for several months. Of course, it has many controversies (pro or contra). Moreover, this system is unpredictable for all schools. Many teachers and students have difficulties when they do this system.

The students who have good facilities such as hand-phone, internet data, signal, etc. They can access the technology easily but for other students maybe they cannot use it especially for remote areas or poor students. It can make social gaps and unfairness to get well education.  All students have different styles in learning (visual, kinesthetic, auditory). So they have to adjust to the new system.

However online learning has a positive impact such as the students and teachers know how to use technology, the learning process becomes more relaxed, paying attention to the deadlines on assignments, sending assignments on time, we have more time for learning.

Some respondents, regarding the learning model in the network (online learning) many say that the learning model in the network is less effective in the Covid-19 pandemic because they are not familiar with distance learning and more comfortable with a conventional system. However, we should try our best with this learning.

Melania. E.P. (2020, April 6) pembelajaran daring, apakah effective untuk Indonesia? Kompas.
Azzundhani, R. (2020, April 5) Sistem Pembelajaran Daring, Efektif atau Nggak ya?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Nice information! For those who are not familiar with technology, it might be difficult, but in the end people will find out. Other obstacles may come from remote areas as you mention above.

  3. Glad to read this article. Like anything else in this world, online learning also has two sides, the advantage and disadvantage. So, we should use it wisely.

  4. Thank you for make it clear,thor!
    I think this article is quite clear to deliver the positive and negative side of Online learning

  5. There will always pros and cons. The biggest problem occurs is Internet coverage. Internet coverage plays the biggest role on this learning method. Hope in the future Indonesia solve this problem.

  6. Very informative article. I like it.

  7. OLM has advantages and works for some subject, it depends on the system tho.

  8. Such an informative article. Thanks for sharing

  9. Online learning can run well if internet access is easily available in all regions of Indonesia and besides that between teachers and students have both understood the use of technology for learning such as zoom, google meet and so forth.

  10. There is always pros and cons in this situation. It is okay as far as we can manage our time effectively.

  11. Willy nilly we must go through this situation. Online learning has its positive and negative side for children, teachers, and even parents. Thanks for writing this article.

  12. It's really good information. Thanks for sharing!

  13. thank you for sharing. This article is really interesting and helpful

  14. Nice post. I think the big problem about teaching online in rural areas is the technology because some children don't have smartphone.

  15. Absolutely there will be an advantage and disadvantage of something. The same goes to online learning. The important thing is we should maximize the the advantages.

  16. This article is very informative for us. Thank you for sharing this.

  17. Yes, commonly the main obstacle in online learning is internet and signal.

  18. OLM is not enough effective. :-(

  19. Wow. That's very true. I like your post.

  20. Thank you for sharing . This article is really interesting.


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